The Oakland Temple This might be long. Preemptive apologies. Limited understanding. As a child, I was taught to strive to enter the temple one day. I cannot emphasize this enough. It was the end goal here on Earth. Go to the temple. Be married there. Return often. Period. It was where the fullness of the gospel was given and received. Going to church and taking the sacrament and being a good person was all well and good, but if you didn't make it through the temple doors, you had fallen short. This notion was never a debate. You can ask any good Mormon. As I mentioned before, because my parents were converts to the gospel who already had 3 kids, we needed to be sealed in the temple to be an eternal family. This happened twice when I was a child. The first time was when my parents were sealed in the Oakland temple. I was taken to a 'nursery' of sorts while their sealing was taking...
My journey within and eventually out of the Mormon church.